Five Pillars Of Islam: Essential Guidelines

Pillar of Islam

Do You Understand The Five Pillars Of Islam's Essence?

As Muslims, we know the five pillars of Islam, but do you understand their essence? They are a complete way of life. It is crucial to understand them and lay a solid foundation for your children, especially for families living in a non-Muslim country like the UK, USA, Australia, and Canada.

An Overview Of The Five Pillars Of Islam

The Pillars of Islam are fundamental to Muslim life, comprising essential acts of worship and responsibility.

Shahada (Faith) The Declaration of Faith

It is the first and foremost pillar of Islam. Islam believes there is no deity but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.

Salah (Prayer)

It is mandatory worship to connect with Allah and take time out for yourself daily. It is performed five times daily, constantly reminds believers of the divine, and keeps believers connected to their faith.

Zakat (Charity)

Zakat is giving to those in need, promoting a balanced economic society. It teaches compassion and self-discipline, requiring Muslims to provide a portion of their wealth annually. It’s a yearly obligation that Muslims perform to purify their money and souls and aid the deserving. Muslims should give at least 2.5% of their wealth every year. This obligation can be fulfilled at the end of Ramadan or before Eid. It’s called “Zakat Al Fitr.”

Sawm (Fasting during Ramadan)

Muslims fasting during Ramadan is a profound exercise in self-restraint and empathy for the less fortunate. It’s also a time for family and community bonding, with Iftar dinners and communal prayers.

While exceptions exist for the sick, elderly, and pregnant, everyone is expected to observe the fast during daylight hours.

Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)

All Muslims who are physically and financially able to undertake at least once during their lifetime are essential. The Hajj, which is required at least once in a lifetime for those who are able, is a pilgrimage that unites Muslims of every ethnic group, showing the true diversity and unity of the Islamic community.

Why Are The Five Pillars Important?

Knowing the Pillars of Islam is one thing, and their implementation with understanding is another. It is crucial to understand their concepts logically to lay a strong foundation as a Muslim.

Each pillar is interconnected, laying a complete road map for a good life together.

The foundation of these pillars ensures a healthy and fulfilling life. They help keep Muslims grounded, stable, and spiritually connected to their Creator during difficult times and moments of ease. Without incorporating these five pillars, it is impossible to instill a true sense of Muslim identity in your child.

The Pillars of Islam Course is a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of the Five Pillars. It offers an online course called ‘The Five Pillars of Islam’ to cultivate your child’s Muslim identity by teaching them about the five pillars and the messages they convey. By enrolling in this course, you invest in your child’s spiritual growth and provide them with a solid foundation in Islam.

Develop Moral Values, Deepen Your Knowledge, Strengthen Your Faith, Establish Lifelong Habits, and Enhance Your Worship. Your enhanced knowledge will enable you to become an ambassador of Islam.

Why Join Al-quran Academy?

Expert Instructors

At Al-Quran Academy, we pride ourselves on our team of scholars and educators who are deeply versed in Islamic teachings. They provide an authentic and comprehensive understanding of the Pillars of Islam. The Pillars Of Islam Course also has qualified female tutors for children and sisters, ensuring a diverse and inclusive learning environment.

Interactive Learning Methods

At Al-Quran Academy, we believe in making learning interactive and engaging. Our courses utilize various teaching methods, including live discussions, Q&A sessions, and practical demonstrations. This approach enhances your learning experience and allows for a deeper understanding of the course material.

Flexible Learning Schedules

Al-Quran Academy caters to global audiences, offering flexible class schedules that accommodate different time zones. This ensures that everyone can learn, regardless of their geographical location or daily commitments, empowering you to take control of your learning journey.

Multilingual Teaching Options

Courses are offered in multiple languages(Urdu, English, and Pashto), breaking the language barrier for non-Arabic speakers and making the teachings of Islam accessible to a broader audience.

Community and Support Network

By joining Al-Quran Academy, you become part of a supportive community of fellow learners and experts. This network fosters a sense of belonging and encourages discussion and deeper exploration of Islamic principles, making you feel included and valued.

Resource-Rich Platform

The Academy provides extensive learning materials, including recorded lectures, downloadable notes, and supplementary resources that enrich the learning experience and allow for self-paced study. After completing a course, you will receive a verifiable certificate after you pass the course by passing a simple test.

What You Will Learn In This Course?

Introduction to Islam

  • Linguistical Definition of Islam
  • Technical Definition of Islam

Islam’s Cornerstone – Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) and necessary components of Tawheed


  • What is Tawheed?
  • What is Risalah?

Salah (Prayer)

  • Concept of Salah
  • Understanding Adhan, Ruku, Qiyam, Sujud, and Tashahhud
  • Rules related to Salah and five prayers
  • Physical, mental, spiritual, and social benefits of Salah

Zakat (Charity)

  • Concept of Zakat for the betterment of society
  • Percentage of Zakat or Nisab (criteria for Zakat)
  • Rules related to Zakat eight categories of people who receive Zakat

Siyam (Fasting)

  • Definition of Siyam
  • Rules related to Siyam
  • Physical and Spiritual Benefits

Hajj (Ritual performed at Makkah during the month of Zul Haj)

  • Definition of Hajj
  • Criteria to perform Hajj
  • Rituals performed in Hajj
  • Physical, spiritual, and social benefits of Hajj

Who Should Join This Course?

The  5 Pillars of Islam Online Course is intended for children, adults, new Muslims, and non-Muslims who want to understand and adhere to Islam’s principles.

The course aims to help children become well-rounded and successful Muslims in their current lives and the afterlife by following Allah’s teachings. They need to understand that Islam is not just about rituals and worship practices; it’s a comprehensive way of life that aligns with Allah’s will and guidance.

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They also provide an accurate free trial for any course of your choice so that you can evaluate their tutors and courses without being obligated to continue if you are not satisfied.

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After this course, you may proceed to Fiqh courses addressing these pillars in detail.

We hope you will enjoy this course

FAQ Guide

Yes, older children can partially participate in understanding the significance of Ramadan under parental guidance.

Non-Muslims are welcome to join the Al-Quran Academy. We have a dedicated course for non-Muslims. Which often offer educational resources and sessions about the fundamentals of Islam.

New Muslims are our most focused group at Al-Quran Academy. We have a dedicated course for new Muslims, which offers step-by-step.

Our course has family activities to incorporate the five pillars in your life.

How do you get started with Five Pillars Course?

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